What are the effects of loofah lotion

Also elegant Ask questions at 00:45:05, May 15, 2024
Recommended answer

The effect of luffa collateral water is to beautify the skin, fight cancer, promote lactation, relieve gout, and treat dysfunctional meridians. Luffa complex contains vitamin B1 to prevent skin aging, vitamin C to whiten the skin and other ingredients, which can protect the skin, eliminate plaque, and make the skin white and tender. It is a rare beauty product. The patients with liver depression and qi stagnation and blocked meridians are characterized by chest and flank distention and pain. You can use the towel to treat cough, Yanhusuo, and loofah collateral water. In addition, the vitamins contained in Luffa Luo can inhibit and delay cell canceration, so it has a certain anti-cancer effect.

Also elegant 2024-05-20 11:18:17

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