How to treat female hair loss

Dancing and flying Ask questions at 10:18:13, April 20, 2024
Recommended answer

The causes of alopecia are complex, including telogen alopecia, nutritional alopecia, postpartum alopecia, androgenic alopecia and alopecia areata of unknown causes. Hair loss in resting period mainly refers to hair loss caused by irregular life, excessive pressure and excessive brain use. Postpartum alopecia is generally diffuse hair loss caused half a year after birth. Androgen alopecia, mainly seen in women with polycystic ovary syndrome, can cause hair loss, softening and thinning. Nutritional alopecia is mainly caused by patients with malnutrition, such as anemia, which will lead to withering, yellowing and falling off of hair. There are also some patients who have spotted round hair shedding. The hair loss area has smooth scalp, which is what people call ghost shaving. It is called alopecia areata in medicine. If hair loss occurs, it is recommended to go to a regular medical institution for relevant examinations, such as blood sampling or dermatoscopy, to determine the cause of hair loss and provide symptomatic treatment.

Dancing and flying 2024-04-22 12:28:09

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