How to check for bladder stones

Endless rain Ask on April 20, 2024 08:34:53
Recommended answer

After suffering from bladder stones, there will be hematuria or interruption of urine flow. If accompanied by bladder inflammation, there will be frequent urination, urgency and pain in urination. If you want to further rule out whether there is bladder stone, you can use the method of B-ultrasound to check. Through B-ultrasound, you can clearly diagnose whether there is bladder stone. At the same time, we can learn about the size and shape of bladder stones, and then formulate different treatment methods according to the inspection results. Laser extracorporeal lithotripsy can be used to reduce the size of bladder stones and expel them from the body through the urethra. If the effect of laser extracorporeal lithotripsy is not good, cystoscopic lithotripsy can be used.

Endless rain 2024-04-22 11:36:22

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