How to unlock the ID lock of iPhone

Lost Birds Return to the Forest Ask on 2024-06-05 05:01:46
Recommended answer

Apple phones generally refer to iPhones, which are the smart phone series developed by Apple in the United States and are equipped with the iOS operating system developed by Apple. Here is a brief introduction to the method of unlocking the ID lock of Apple mobile phones, hoping to help you.

Operation method

Method 1: Open the iTunes software, enter the duf mode, click Restore, click Restore and Update, click Next, click Agree, and click Finish.

Method 2: Erase the iPhone location information to restore, log in to icloud, click Settings, click "Find my iPhone", and wait for location.

Click "Erase iPhone", then reactivate the phone, enter the icloud password on Apple, and verify successfully.

The summary is as follows.

Lost Birds Return to the Forest 2024-06-07 10:08:58

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