What's the taboo for tonsillitis

Calm as a chrysanthemum Ask questions on 2024-05-31 18:54:06
Recommended answer

According to traditional Chinese medicine, tonsil inflammation is a manifestation of lung fire, so in terms of diet, patients are advised to avoid eating some irritating and inflamed food. At ordinary times, patients should eat more fruits, vegetables and light food. They should avoid fried food, barbecue food, and stimulating raw onions, peppers, garlic and other foods. In addition, they should avoid smoking and alcohol. Generally, tonsillitis is considered to be bacterial infection, so it is suggested that patients can take some cephalosporins or penicillin drugs for anti-inflammatory treatment, and then cooperate with Chinese patent medicine for throat clearing and throat moistening. If suppurative tonsillitis occurs, it is recommended to carry out infusion treatment, and the condition can be controlled.

Calm as a chrysanthemum 2024-06-03 11:52:47

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