Do you still take medicine when the hypothyroidism index is normal

Lingding Shengfeng Ask on 2024-05-28 03:05:23
Recommended answer

After the indicators of hypothyroidism are normal, it is still necessary to continue to take Youjiale as a substitute. If there is hypothyroidism, after taking Youjiale as a substitute, the obvious hypothyroidism will maintain the thyroid function at a normal level. It is also necessary to monitor the thyroid function at least every 1 to 3 months to understand the thyroid function level, instead of stopping the drug after the replacement of thyroid function is normal, it is also necessary to continue to take Youjiale as a substitute treatment, Youjiale belongs to thyroxine, which is almost the same as the body's endocrine thyroxine, and has no significant impact on the body. You need to regularly check the thyroid function after taking Youjiale to adjust the dose of Youjiale, so as to avoid under dose and over dose. Over dose will lead to drug-induced hyperthyroidism, which will lead to panic and fatigue. So after good control of thyroid function, Regular administration and regular reexamination of Eugal should be continued.

Lingding Shengfeng 2024-06-03 12:17:14

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