What are the effects of loofah

Old Walled Desert Eagle Ask questions on May 16, 2024-18:19:12
Recommended answer

It can clear away heat and phlegm, cool blood and detoxify. Efficacy of Luffa: 1. It can clear away heat and dissipate phlegm, because Luffa is sweet and cool in nature from the perspective of TCM dietotherapy. For the body's thirst, cough, sputum, blood, cough and asthma caused by fever, proper consumption of Luffa has a good effect of clearing away heat and resolving phlegm, and relieving the above symptoms. 2. It can cool the blood and detoxify. It can cool the blood and detoxify intestinal bleeding, hemorrhoids bleeding, blood drenching, carbuncle, sore, milk blockage, nameless swelling and pain caused by intestinal wind. Proper consumption of loofah has a good effect of cooling the blood and detoxifying.

Old Walled Desert Eagle 2024-05-20 11:18:17

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