What's the reason for the transparent blisters under the tongue

Mid month truth Ask on 2024-05-21 04:29:36
Recommended answer

There are two possibilities for transparent blisters under the tongue. 1、 The cyst of sublingual gland, the cyst of sublingual gland is under the tongue and the mucosa of the bottom of the mouth, because there are sublingual glands on both sides of the lingual frenum, and the saliva secreted is very important oral saliva. If the duct of the sublingual gland is damaged, the salivary gland with poor drainage will slowly expand and form transparent blisters. The blister will break to a certain extent, and saliva will flow into the mouth. The broken blister wall will heal again. After healing, the blister will form again, and then it will recur. 2、 Another possibility is the cyst of the anterior lingual gland, which is located in the mucosa of the tongue abdomen, that is, there are many small salivary glands on both sides of the midline, called the anterior lingual gland. If the catheter is blocked, it will also form retention cysts, called anterior lingual gland cysts. Whether it is sublingual gland cysts or lingual salivary gland cysts, if you want to remove the root of the disease, you need to go to the stomatology department of a regular hospital or the oral and maxillofacial surgery department of a large hospital. The doctor will operate under anesthesia to remove the cyst and the gland causing the cyst.

Mid month truth 2024-05-27 11:08:34

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