Three tips to restore pictures in WeChat chat records

Settle down and look forward to the future Ask questions at 23:52:44 on June 3, 2024
Recommended answer

We have been using WeChat for a long time. We have a lot of important data saved in our chat records. As we all know, chat records for Southwest China are easy to delete, which will have some impact on us. What should we do if we want to restore some pictures in our chat records? Here's how to recover

Operation method

The picture in the chat record is lost. It may be that there is a fault in the chat record. We can open the settings in WeChat, find help and feedback, and click to enter

Next, there is a small wrench sign on the upper right corner of the page, click to enter

Then you can see that there are two options in the page. Select Repair Chat Record and click OK.

Method/Step 2

Apple mobile phone users can also use iCloud to solve this problem. Of course, we need to enable the backup function in advance to restore through backup.

Method/Step 3

For Android phones, we can also use the following recovery software

Then select the recovery option of WeChat chat record to scan, and it can be recovered after scanning

Settle down and look forward to the future 2024-06-07 10:08:58

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