Why Two or Three Year Old Children Get Autism

I always believe Ask questions at 21:50:15, May 16, 2024
Recommended answer

The reason is not very clear at present, considering the following factors. The occurrence of autism has a great relationship with genetic factors, in addition, it is also related to chromosome X defect site. The younger the age and the lower the intelligence, the stronger the expression of fragile X chromosome. The genetic model shows that autism is a polygenic genetic disease, that is, multiple minor genes work together to cause the occurrence of the disease. In addition, the connection between different brain regions of autistic children is reduced, and the connection between brain cells of a single brain region is also lacking, suggesting that the connection between nerve cells of autistic children is damaged. Also, parents' older childbearing age is also a risk factor for children's autism. The lack of theory of mind is also the cause of language communication and social function defects of autistic children.

I always believe 2024-05-20 11:20:30

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