What to eat when the blood supply of the brain is insufficient

know by oneself whether it is cold or warm Ask questions on 2024-05-31 16:27:46
Recommended answer

In clinical practice, the cerebral blood supply shortage is relatively high in terms of diet or drug demand, because in many cases, simple changes in drugs and diet can improve the cerebral blood supply shortage. In terms of diet, the diet should mainly be low salt, low fat, high protein diet. Avoid eating greasy food, animal viscera, fried food, etc., which can reduce the effect of hyperlipidemia on patients. In terms of drugs, it is often necessary to prevent platelet aggregation, improve brain circulation, protect and actively regulate blood pressure, stabilize blood sugar, reduce blood lipids and other related treatments. These comprehensive measures have many cerebral blood supply deficiencies, which can be significantly improved and reduce the possibility of further aggravation in the later period, so they must be paid attention to clinically.

know by oneself whether it is cold or warm 2024-06-03 12:17:20

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