What can pregnant women eat to relieve their stomachache

Extremely bright Ask questions at 09:46:00, May 29, 2024
Recommended answer

Pregnant women should go to the hospital to check their stomachache, eliminate the stomachache caused by stomach diseases, take medicine to relieve the pain under the guidance of the doctor, and do not choose medicine to treat it by yourself. After pregnancy, due to a large increase in the secretion of chorionic gonadotropin in the pregnant woman's body, the gastric acid secretion of the pregnant woman is significantly reduced, the gastric emptying is delayed, in addition to the increased food intake and reduced activity during pregnancy, the pregnant woman is prone to stomach pain, stomach distention, and the weight of the original stomach disease. Pregnant women's stomachache and stomach distention should be adjusted from the diet first. Do not eat spicy and stimulating food to avoid aggravating gastrointestinal discomfort. At ordinary times, you should try to eat less and more meals, mainly light, soft and easy to digest food, and eat less greasy food.

Extremely bright 2024-06-03 12:19:32

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