What's wrong with pimples and itching on the scalp

Who dares to exchange heart with me Ask questions at 03:02:21, April 15, 2024
Recommended answer

The first is seborrheic dermatitis, which is more common in some patients who stay up late, have high mental pressure, and eat spicy and greasy food. This flaky erythema will appear on the scalp, and there will be some greasy scale scabs on it. In serious cases, there will be some seepage, which will stimulate the local skin to produce obvious itching. The second type is when the scalp is accompanied by fungal infection, Pityrosporum can cause some folliculitis like rashes, causing itching symptoms. You can go to the hospital to see a doctor for an interview, do a smear test of fungi, check whether there are any related problems, and then select drugs for correct treatment according to the results.

Who dares to exchange heart with me 2024-04-22 12:34:08

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