Does hyperthyroidism cause neck pain

youth passes as a fleeting wave Ask questions on 2024-05-13 09:24:52
Recommended answer

Most patients with hyperthyroidism have no pain in the neck. If there are pain symptoms, the following two reasons should be considered: 1. Subacute thyroiditis: obvious pain may occur in the thyroid area, radiating to the ears, and the pain will worsen when swallowing. In the thyrotoxic phase of the disease, there may be related manifestations of hyperthyroidism. It is a temporary hyperthyroidism phase, and it does not need special treatment. Most of them can heal themselves. For pain symptoms, symptomatic treatment can be given. 2. Hashimoto's thyroiditis: some patients may also have neck pain, which is caused by immune factors. When thyroiditis occurs, the thyroid gland swells rapidly, accompanied by local pain symptoms, and glucocorticoid treatment can be given. It is suggested that patients with hyperthyroidism and neck pain should go to the endocrinology department of the hospital as soon as possible and choose appropriate examination and treatment under the guidance of doctors.

youth passes as a fleeting wave 2024-05-20 11:18:21

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