Why does hives grow up at night

imbued with supreme heroism Ask questions on 2024-05-16 10:02:11
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Urticaria, commonly known as rubella mass, is a temporary skin edema caused by the expansion of small blood vessels and increased permeability of skin mucosa. It shows that the skin first appears itching, and then red, pale or skin color wind masses appear. The wind masses occur quickly and disappear quickly, leaving no trace after disappearing, and are easy to recur. Urticaria attacks at night, which may be due to dirty sheets and bedding and allergy to mites. When sleeping at night, patients will come into contact with sheets or bedding contaminated by mites, which will lead to urticaria attack. In addition, it may also be because the air conditioner or electric fan was turned on at night, and the patient suffered from urticaria after getting cold. Pay attention not to take a bath with hot water when suffering from urticaria, pay attention to ventilation of the bedroom, light diet, not to eat spicy and irritating food, quit smoking and drinking, and not to scratch and stimulate local itching.

imbued with supreme heroism 2024-05-20 11:18:46

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