Will stomach pain cause pain in both ribs

Water billow Ask questions on 2024-06-02 21:47:35
Recommended answer

Stomachache does not cause pain in both ribs. The cause of stomach pain is usually acute gastritis, or chronic gastritis and other diseases. The pain part of acute gastritis is usually located in the upper abdomen, or it is colic behind the sternum, and radiates to the shoulders on both sides, the back, and the middle and lower abdomen. After eating, the pain will increase. The pain of chronic gastritis is mainly located in the upper abdomen. The pain is dull, dull and distending, and there is no radiation pain. The pain will not increase when eating. The most common cause of costal pain is the pain caused by intercostal neuritis. This pain is characterized by transient, radiating acupuncture like pain, which increases in inspiration and decreases in exhalation, and does not increase in eating. In addition, rib fracture and rib metastasis will lead to rib pain on both sides, so further examination is needed to specifically identify the cause of pain.

Water billow 2024-06-03 11:59:13

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