What is consumptive disease

It's you in and out of dreams Ask questions at 03:45:40, May 20, 2024
Recommended answer

Consumptive diseases generally refer to various malignant tumors, pulmonary tuberculosis, hyperthyroidism, chronic atrophic gastritis, severe trauma, burns, systemic lupus erythematosus, chronic suppurative infection, chronic peptic ulcer, chronic colitis, chronic liver disease and other diseases that consume excessive body energy substances or insufficient energy intake, resulting in negative balance of body energy. This kind of disease is characterized by gradually weakened physique and weight loss, so consumption diseases should be treated early, especially some diseases that can be cured, such as tuberculosis, hyperthyroidism, chronic peptic ulcer, etc. In daily life, we should strengthen the intake of nutrients, such as milk, eggs, lean meat, fish, etc. Early treatment of malignant tumors can also improve the quality of life of patients and improve the prognosis of the disease.

It's you in and out of dreams 2024-05-27 11:07:29

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