How to play the Night Messenger

A little ambitious Ask questions at 15:43:08, June 4, 2024
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Which is better for DNF Night Messenger? Now, with the enhancement of second sleep, damage is no longer a big problem. What are your feelings when you enter the dark night? I have played a lot of small players. In the current environment where DNF pursues various extreme equipment matching and mindless Meow, the dark night, as a profession that requires not only equipment, but also skills and self understanding, has become another fun of the game.

Operation method

1. What did the assassin En Mu say? Recently, a common description is that this time, instead of seeing the manhole cover, he directly rushed out by rocket. The assassin used to have a good hand feel, but the disadvantage is that the star gathering technique is highly demanding and the damage is low. After the second sleep, not only did the damage increase several times (reportedly 7 times 233), but also the speed was further improved. The super star saving efficiency of the second sleep buff greatly improved the situation of this profession. The assembly is flexible, and all kinds of strong dispersion can be adapted. If there is no strong dispersion, you can directly use God's anger to close the move. If there is SS set, hand rubbing is even more supernatural. The speed has been greatly improved, but the skills can't be lost without thinking. All kinds of sweeping skills must be mastered. The skills are well connected, and the sense of hand is first-class, causing damage and explosion. Therefore, it is well deserved to be the most promising career after second awakening.

2. At the basic level training stage of ninja, everyone's understanding of ninja is probably that the skills are lost without brains, and the bombardment is over. The impression of raid is that there are no toads or sky fire, and then a round of bursts. As a result, people who didn't know the truth said that the occupation was over after they were cut down. However, after the second sleep, the addition of new buffs, the rebirth of assassination marks, and the emergence of second sleep skills have brought a new experience to this profession. Whether Tianhuo or Toad School, start to think about the timing of stationing skills, how to save a second sleep buff, and how to mark the boss as soon as possible. Different techniques bring about huge differences. Good technical injuries are more explosive than those in the era of no brain lost before. Everyone who insists on ninjas must have the same feeling.

3. Shadow dancer=w=A class that has been criticized by various players since its beginning. Backattack was very fresh at the beginning, but later they gave up because it was too difficult. The level training damage is also not ideal, and the empty high panel may not be able to produce ideal output, especially after the formation of large, as a small parrot is often difficult to accept. In my opinion, this profession may have been endowed with the skill panel after the second awakening from birth, the instant killing of the 13w panel after the death song and the soul in September, and taking the medicine CD 17s. If there is a golden ghost bonus, it is not impossible to go to raid to fight master C. After the second sleep, nx did not give him the ability of a mindless full screen boom, but a new chain buff, giving the profession higher playability. The shadow dancers don't seem to have many outfits, either dead song 9 or a set of leather armor ss. For players, in order to control the body well, they must have precise control, and also have a particularly strict grasp of the damage of the skill itself. As a second consciousness, it is regarded as the bottom occupation, but it has unlimited possibilities; As for whether someone can insist on exploring this profession, it is still a question?

4. The only profession in the four nights of the necromancer who has not been touched very much, En En used to talk with friends often to say that this profession is special. Is it weird? Poof, just say it casually; The most preferred way for the dead is to match. The perfect dressing represents the explosive damage. It is said that the second sense is also quite explosive, which seems to be 7 times more? 2333 As far as I am concerned, I am not a fast food career. Deep love and appropriate techniques are still very strong.

A little ambitious 2024-06-07 09:58:09

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