Causes of hypokalemia

Self floating forest Ask questions on April 17, 2024:25:09
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Generally, the serum potassium concentration is 3.5-5.5mmol/L, and it is called hypokalemia when the serum potassium is lower than 3.5mmol/L. There are many reasons for hypokalemia, generally including the following: First, the potassium intake is reduced, and the general diet is rich in potassium, so as long as the normal diet, the body will not lack potassium. However, in case of digestive tract obstruction, coma, and long time fasting after surgery, it may lead to potassium deficiency or hypokalemia due to insufficient potassium intake. 2、 It may be due to excessive potassium excretion and loss of potassium through the stomach and intestines, which is the most important reason for potassium loss in children. It is more common in patients with diarrhea, vomiting and other large amounts of digestive fluid loss. Another is the loss of potassium through the kidney, which is the most important reason for adult potassium loss. The common factors that cause the increase of renal potassium excretion, such as long-term use or excessive use of diuretics, and some kidney diseases, such as renal tubular acidosis, can all lead to hypokalemia.

Self floating forest 2024-04-22 11:47:05

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