Can I take Detoxification and Beauty Care Capsule during lactation

Smiling face with red eyes Ask questions at 11:41:27, May 24, 2024
Recommended answer

Do not take detoxification and beauty capsules during lactation. Pay special attention when taking medicine during lactation, because these drugs may be transmitted to the newborn through milk, affecting the growth and development of the newborn. The growth and development of the newborn is immature, and the metabolic capacity of drugs is relatively poor. Try not to take Detoxification and Beauty Care Capsule during lactation. During the lactation period, it is recommended that women should actively breastfeed, drink more water and soup, and increase the quality of milk. In addition, if you take drugs that are forbidden during lactation. It is recommended not to breastfeed for the time being, but to expel breast milk. Wait for 2 to 3 days, and consider breastfeeding again after drug metabolism. If during breastfeeding. In case of bacterial or viral infection, drugs should be administered under the guidance of doctors.

Smiling face with red eyes 2024-05-27 10:55:51

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