What medicine to take for sore throat caused by fire

This feeling has become a memory Ask questions at 11:33:59, May 26, 2024
Recommended answer

The throat swelling and pain caused by fire shall be treated according to the situation. The first case is that bacterial or viral infection causes congestion, redness and swelling of the throat mucosa, obvious hyperplasia of lymph follicles, and sputum exudation. In this case, you can take Yinhuang Granules, Shuanghuanglian Granules, Xuanmai Ganju Capsules, etc., which can clear away heat and relieve fire orally by gargling with light salt water; It can be soaked with honeysuckle, wild chrysanthemum, ophiopogon japonicus, tangerine peel, platycodon grandiflorum, Pangdahai, liquorice and boiled water. It can be taken many times a day to clear the throat and throat; And eat more fresh vegetables and fruits, such as fire purging pears, watermelons, loquats, etc. The second case is suppurative infection of tonsils. It can be seen that the tonsil surface is covered with pus. Rinse the mouth with levofloxacin injection to remove the surface pus, take cephalosporin antibiotics orally, Chinese herbal medicine and diet are the same as those for acute pharyngitis.

This feeling has become a memory 2024-05-27 11:00:48

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