What symptom does child hernia have?

valiant and heroic in bearing Ask questions at 12:40:09, May 18, 2024
Recommended answer

The clinical manifestation of hernia in children is that the recoverable mass in the groin area of children appears repeatedly. The mass is obvious when standing, and disappears when lying flat. When the child has constipation, cough and crying, this lump is very obvious. When these factors are removed, these packets may disappear. For the treatment of hernia in children, if it is a hernia in children before the age of three, it is generally conservative treatment, and the hernia belt can be used for pressurization. If the hernia in children is still not good after the age of three, surgery can be selected. The main surgical methods are: open hernia sac high ligation and laparoscopic minimally invasive hernia sac high ligation.

valiant and heroic in bearing 2024-05-20 11:20:23

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