What to do with knee cyst effusion

Middle aged white haired man Ask questions at 15:52:03, April 17, 2024
Recommended answer

This kind of situation can be treated by taking a long rest, not carrying weight in ordinary activities, that is, promoting absorption of hormones and other methods. It can be treated by external auxiliary treatments such as electric heating, massage, massage, acupuncture, physiotherapy, etc. Once there is fluid and cyst in the knee joint, you must absolutely ensure adequate rest, and do not let the leg move or bear weight for a long time, because this will lead to the deterioration of the disease. In addition, don't smoke, drink, eat some spicy, greasy, stimulating, barbecue food and don't eat too much, because these foods will lead to more serious fluid accumulation. At ordinary times, it's better to eat more nutritious, light, digestible, high protein, high calcium foods, rather than spicy foods. Patients should keep a good attitude when facing the disease and actively deal with the disease.

Middle aged white haired man 2024-04-22 12:33:34

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