What fruit to eat for cerebral thrombosis

Short haired woman Ask questions on 2024-05-21 20:55:43
Recommended answer

For patients with cerebral thrombosis, attention should be paid to diet adjustment at ordinary times to avoid relapse. In terms of fruits, you can choose to eat persimmons, oranges, strawberries, kiwifruit and grapes. They contain antioxidants, and can supplement vitamin C, which can protect the cardiovascular system and prevent the increase of blood viscosity. Pay attention to avoid eating fruits with too high sugar content. Do not take too much of the same kind of fruit, and change the type appropriately. In other aspects, it is necessary to eat less greasy or high cholesterol food, and monitor blood pressure, blood sugar and blood lipids, otherwise it is easy to increase the probability of disease recurrence.

Short haired woman 2024-05-27 11:01:06

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