How to check the authenticity of Xiaomi mobile phones?

reconcile oneself to one's situation Ask on 2024-06-02 16:26:41
Recommended answer

The recent Xiaomi 6 and Xiaomi 5x are in the process of being snapped up. All websites have sales, but how do you know whether the Xiaomi mobile phone you've been trying to grab is real or fake? I'm here to tell you that as long as you receive the mobile phone and make an appraisal, you will know whether the mobile phone you bought is real or fake. If it is fake, return it as soon as possible! How to query the authenticity? Let's have a look!

Xiaomi official website identification

The authenticity of Xiaomi mobile phones can be found on the official website. At this time, you need to use Sogou to search for "Xiaomi", find the words with "official website" at the back, and enter the official website of Xiaomi

After entering the official website of Xiaomi, click "Service" in the navigation bar to enter the service category of Xiaomi

After entering the service item, find the self-service, there will be a "check authenticity" below, click to enter, you can check the authenticity of the phone

After entering the authenticity query, select your appropriate language, and then select the anti-counterfeit query of your Xiaomi products. Here we click "Xiaomi mobile phone" (if you are another product, you can also use this method to query)

Click the Xiaomi mobile phone to enter, and you will be asked to enter IMEI and SN codes. These two codes will be available in the box of the mobile phone you bought. You can also enter "*>

reconcile oneself to one's situation 2024-06-07 10:17:36

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