The best time to take calcium tablets during pregnancy

dusk Ask questions at 19:56:57 on May 11, 2024
Recommended answer

Calcium is an essential nutrient for the growth and development of the fetus. If it is deficient, it can lead to fetal dysplasia, or even fetal malformation in the early stage. It must be increased throughout pregnancy. In the early pregnancy, the fetus is relatively small, and the amount needed by the fetus can be reached by supplementing calcium containing foods through diet. With the increase of gestational weeks, the fetus gradually increases, and it is impossible to supplement calcium containing food by diet to reach the amount required by the fetus. Therefore, calcium tablets should be properly supplemented. Generally, 600 mg of calcium tablets should be taken orally every day from the second trimester until delivery.

dusk 2024-05-13 11:24:08

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