What is the disease of young people's trembling head

Break the cocoon into a butterfly Ask questions at 19:10:43, May 25, 2024
Recommended answer

There are many reasons for young people's head shaking, some of which are not caused by diseases, but may be affected by emotional factors, such as the patient's mood is not very stable, too nervous, excited, excited, angry, angry, etc., then these reasons may lead to the head shaking phenomenon. We must control our emotions and be calm, Slowly this symptom can be relieved and improved. Some young people have head tremor, which may be caused by a special type of epileptic seizure. Others may have chorea, or some kind of drug heavy metal poisoning, which may also lead to the phenomenon of head tremor. If you often have seizures, you'd better go to the hospital to check and find out the cause.

Break the cocoon into a butterfly 2024-05-27 10:47:23

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