What causes epididymitis

Smoky Mountain Silence Ask questions on 2024-06-22 09:48:43
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What causes epididymitis

1. Secondary genitourinary infection: If the male urinary system is infected, he will also suffer from epididymitis. The bacteria causing epididymitis are mainly Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus. These bacteria enter the epididymis by countercurrent through the transmission tube, and then multiply inside the epididymis to cause epididymitis. In addition, transurethral surgery and frequent catheterization are also common incentives for acute epididymitis.

2. Weak resistance. The patients with epididymitis are mainly young and middle-aged men. Because men in this age group are under great pressure to work, they often work overtime and stay up late. If life is often irregular, it will lead to a decline in immunity. At this time, if patients contact some bacteria, they will be easily infected, causing epididymitis.

3. No good habits: everyone has some bad habits more or less in life, which can induce epididymitis. The main bad habits include sitting there for a long time or riding a bike for a long time, * irregular life, often suffering from impotence or sexual interruption, excessive drinking and eating a lot of spicy and stimulating food.

4. The genitals are wet and cause urinary tract infection: most of the underpants worn by men are double-layer, so the genitals and scrotum are together. In addition, the genitals are dark and humid, which is easy to breed bacteria, thus causing urinary infection and epididymitis.

What are the hazards of epididymitis

1. Decrease sperm vitality: if male patients with epididymitis are infected by pathogens, some pathogens (such as Escherichia coli) can directly damage the sperm in the epididymal tube, inhibit the activity of sperm or make sperm agglutinate, so as to reduce its activity; Some pathogens are adsorbed on the sperm surface, reducing or even losing its activity.

2. Blocking the way of sperm: if the patient is infected by Neisseria gonorrhoeae, Mycobacterium tuberculosis and other pathogens, it will not only cause inflammatory reaction to damage the sperm, but also easily cause the narrowing or blocking of the epididymal lumen, resulting in incomplete or complete obstruction of the near epididymal tube.

3. Inducing dangerous diseases: If epididymitis is not treated for a long time, it will lead to various serious diseases, such as varicocele, preadenotitis, endocrine disease with nephritis and other kidney diseases, and urinary infection diseases. In serious cases, it can lead to malignant tumors and seriously threaten men's lives.

4. Premature aging due to deficiency of essence and kidney: patients with epididymitis often suffer from some undesirable phenomena, such as general weakness and mental fatigue. If they do not go to treatment for a long time, it will bring greater harm and trouble to men, such as deficiency of essence and kidney and depletion of vitality. According to experts, this will make men age ahead of time if it goes on for a long time.

Smoky Mountain Silence 2024-06-24 11:40:59

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