What is the meaning of small nodules in the right lung

Flowing thoughts and dreams Ask on 2024-06-02 08:11:46
Recommended answer

Small nodules in the right lung may cause space occupying lesions such as inflammatory mass or canceration. If the nodule is relatively small, it is usually the change of chronic inflammation, and the patient usually has no clinical manifestation, it can be observed first and not treated temporarily. If the condition continues to develop, the patient has low fever, fatigue, night sweating, cough, weight loss and other manifestations, considering the possibility of tuberculosis, the condition can be determined through chest X-ray examination, sputum bacteria tuberculosis culture, etc, Anti tuberculosis treatment is given under the guidance of doctors. If the nodule is gradually enlarged, the edge is not smooth, there are burrs, and the texture is rigid, it is considered that canceration may occur. It can be diagnosed by chest CT, MRI, and carcinoembryonic antigen.

Flowing thoughts and dreams 2024-06-03 12:17:43

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