Causes of high sperm abnormality

Forget the past Ask questions at 05:39:36, April 18, 2024
Recommended answer

The most likely cause of high sperm malformation is unhealthy lifestyle, such as smoking, drinking, often playing in front of computers and mobile phones, unhealthy diet, eating too much junk food, staying up late, etc. All of these will lead to high sperm malformation rate. Then there is the pollution of the surrounding environment or air, and the pollution of unhealthy water and diet, which can lead to a high sperm deformity rate. The lack of trace elements in the body can lead to a high rate of sperm malformation, so it is necessary to check the blood drawn to test the absorption of trace elements in the human body, such as zinc, selenium and protein, and supplement trace elements after checking the patient.

Forget the past 2024-04-22 11:41:37

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