What's the matter with high white blood cells

The sunset knows the autumn Ask questions on May 23, 2024-23:24:05
Recommended answer

There are many possible reasons for high white blood cells, which may be physiological or pathological. Pathological cause is also the cause of disease. Physiological reasons can be found in women's ovulation period, late pregnancy, delivery, after strenuous exercise, after labor, severe cold and heat or severe pain stimulation, even emotional fluctuations, anxiety, anger, excitement, may lead to the increase of neutrophils, that is, white blood cells. Secondly, various acute and chronic infections are also common factors that lead to leukocytosis, including bacterial, viral, and even parasitic infections, which may lead to leukocytosis. Other drugs, such as adrenocortical hormone, may also cause leukopenia. Severe trauma, surgery, or serious complications can also cause leukopenia, such as hyperthyroidism and uremia. Leukocytosis can also occur in tumors of the blood system, including leukemia, the recovery period of some infections, the recovery period of hemolytic anemia, and after splenectomy. Therefore, there are many reasons that may lead to the increase of white blood cells. What is the specific situation? It needs to be combined with the patient's status, the patient's situation, and the test results. The reason can be analyzed only after the overall medical history is inquired.

The sunset knows the autumn 2024-05-27 11:12:32

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