What causes pelvic mass

Learn not to let go Ask on May 6, 2024-23:25:07
Recommended answer

First, tumor. For example, endometrial cancer, ovarian cancer, fallopian tube cancer, colon cancer, bladder cancer and retroperitoneal cancer. Second, cysts. Such as luteal cyst, oviduct ovarian cyst, ovarian crown cyst, bladder cyst, uterine cyst and other diseases. Third, infection. For example, pelvic effusion, fallopian tube effusion and salpingitis, pelvic abscess, pelvic cystic effusion. Another type is pathological pregnancy. Such as hydatidiform mole, tubal pregnancy and other diseases, or the clinical manifestation of local stimulation of ectopic pregnancy, so when the symptoms of pelvic mass appear, go to the hospital in time for diagnosis through B-ultrasound, CT, blood tests and other examinations to avoid delaying the condition.

Learn not to let go 2024-05-13 11:23:11

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