What are the health benefits of eating loofah

Learn to forget Ask questions at 15:52:43, May 18, 2024
Recommended answer

The benefits of luffa to the body are as follows: 1. It can clear away heat and dissipate phlegm, because from the perspective of Chinese medicine dietotherapy, luffa is sweet, cool, and enters the lung meridian. For cough, sputum, and blood coughing caused by lung heat, sore throat, hoarse voice, and thirsty and thirsty people caused by yin deficiency and fire hyperactivity, luffa, if eaten properly, will have good benefits of clearing away heat and resolving phlegm; 2. It can cool the blood and detoxify. For those with carbuncle, furuncle and hemorrhoid bleeding caused by blood heat, if you eat luffa properly, it can cool the blood and have a good detoxification effect; 3. It can promote appetite, because Luffa contains rich organic acids such as malonic acid and citric acid, which can stimulate the secretion of digestive juice, and then has the benefit of improving digestion.

Learn to forget 2024-05-20 11:18:17

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