What causes painful urination

Sunflowers at sunrise Ask questions at 12:16:02, April 20, 2024
Recommended answer

Urinary pain is caused by prostatitis, urinary tract infection, urethritis, urinary stones, bladder stones, cystitis and other diseases. When suffering from urinary system diseases, symptoms such as pain in urination, urgency in urination, pain in urination, endless urination, difficulty in urination, and dripping urine will appear. When these symptoms occur, we should pay attention to them. We can take anti-inflammatory drugs or antibiotic drugs under the guidance of doctors, which is conducive to alleviating the symptoms and also effective in the treatment of diseases. There are many reasons for pain in urination. In order to avoid worsening or repeated attacks, it is recommended to go to the hospital in time for b-ultrasound examination and routine urine examination, and then treat symptomatically. Pay attention to personal hygiene and keep a good attitude in daily life. The condition is controllable.

Sunflowers at sunrise 2024-04-22 12:22:35

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