What food can't be eaten for gastric ulcer

Mountains and waters always have feelings Ask questions at 13:30:48 on May 27, 2024
Recommended answer

Patients with gastric ulcer must pay attention to some cold vegetables that are not edible, such as balsam pear or chrysanthemum, which are not edible. At the same time, some hard food, such as some nuts or some food that is difficult to digest, such as rice dumplings, are also not edible. At the same time, try to eat less acidic vegetables such as tomatoes, carrots and sour beans. Because these foods are quite irritating to the stomach, they may stimulate the stomach and cause uncomfortable symptoms of the stomach. It is suggested that patients with gastric ulcer must be found and treated as early as possible. At the same time, they should develop a good eating habit and pay attention to food hygiene. At the same time, quit smoking and drinking. Don't drink strong tea, coffee, carbonated drinks, and alcoholic drinks. Patients can also take proper exercise to strengthen their physique, improve their resistance, and make their bodies recover as soon as possible.

Mountains and waters always have feelings 2024-06-03 12:09:08

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