What is the cause of acne on the face

Colorful Cloud Flying Ask on 2024-05-19 21:24:09
Recommended answer

There are three main reasons for acne on the face: first, excessive oil secretion. In adolescence and men, oil secretion will be more vigorous due to the influence of sexual hormone levels, which is also the reason for the growth of "acne". Staying up late, eating polysaccharide and greasy food will also lead to increased skin oil secretion. The second is microbial infection such as Acne bacilli. Metabolites of Acne bacilli can stimulate hair follicles and cause inflammation, and sebum provides the material basis for the growth of Acne bacilli. The third reason is the excessive keratinization of the skin hair follicle mouth, and the opening of the sebaceous gland is blocked, leading to the secretion of oil blocked in the hair follicle. These factors are mutually causal and jointly promote the occurrence of acne.

Colorful Cloud Flying 2024-05-20 12:00:31

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