What's the cause of the pain in the asshole

Floating dream Ask questions on June 1, 2024-45:32
Recommended answer

The common causes of anal pain in defecation are as follows: First, it is found in patients with constipation or long-term diarrhea who have anal fissure, which is called anal fissure in medical terms. It will cause severe pain, followed by bloody stool. Second, because of constipation or diarrhea, squatting for a long time may cause the blood vessels of hemorrhoids to burst and form thrombus, called thrombotic external hemorrhoids, which is also painful. Third, chronic diarrhea. Perianal abscess resulting from anal sinusitis infection. Therefore, the following three situations are very common, and we can see which one is based on our own etiology. If it is anal fissure, the inducement can be removed at the initial stage, and the sitz bath and medication can be good. If the thrombotic external hemorrhoids are not serious, they can also be sitz bath, and it can also be good, but you must go to the inducement, or they may reappear.

Floating dream 2024-06-03 11:53:48

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