What medicine can cure frequent and urgent urination

Drink all the worldly things Ask questions on 2024-05-27 16:07:13
Recommended answer

There are many factors that cause frequent urination and urgent urination. The most common consideration is the urinary system infection caused by not paying attention to hygiene at ordinary times. If this is the case, you can take broad-spectrum antibiotics orally to treat the infection. Generally, you can see the effect in 3-5 days. If male patients are suffering from prostatitis, they should also consider prostatitis. In this case, they should go to the urological department of a regular hospital in a timely manner to improve the examination of prostaglandin fluid, routine urine examination, B-ultrasound and other examinations, so as to make correct diagnosis and symptomatic treatment. They must not blindly use drugs themselves. While taking medicine, we should also pay attention to drinking more water, urinating frequently, paying attention to hygiene, and eating light food to recover faster.

Drink all the worldly things 2024-06-03 12:17:17

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