How to treat urinary system infection

Butterflies fly Ask questions on April 16, 2024:35:59
Recommended answer

Urinary system infection is usually treated with antibiotics. Most pathogenic bacteria causing urinary tract infection are Escherichia coli. Therefore, when urinary system infection occurs, antibiotics should be used to treat the pathogenic bacteria causing urinary system infection. During the treatment, we should drink more water and urinate more, which can discharge inflammatory substances in the urinary system through the urinary tract and promote the recovery of the disease as soon as possible. During the treatment period, patients with urinary tract infection should use drugs in strict accordance with the doctor's instructions and according to the standard course of treatment, to avoid stopping drugs or reducing the amount of drugs without permission, so as to avoid recurrent urinary system infections. During the treatment of urinary tract infection, they should avoid eating foods with high calorie and high sugar content.

Butterflies fly 2024-04-22 12:27:45

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