What kind of medicine should be taken to relieve yellow urine

beautiful country scene Ask questions at 11:52:50, May 19, 2024
Recommended answer

In the case of yellow urine, the patient needs to find the cause first. If there is a hepatitis disease, such as icteric hepatitis, the patient needs to be treated with heat clearing, dampness removing, yellow removing, and detoxification. For example, the patient can choose to use Chuipencao Granules, a traditional Chinese medicine, for treatment, Or choose to use Yinchenhao to drink soup for treatment or choose Yinzhihuang Granule also has the effect of yellow. At ordinary times, it is necessary to drink more warm water and give liver protection treatment. At the same time, it is also necessary to do fasting liver function tests, liver, gallbladder, pancreas and spleen ultrasound tests, routine urine tests, urine sugar tests, etc. Take medicine and check the doctor's advice.

beautiful country scene 2024-05-20 12:01:56

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