What is the cause of headache during menstruation

Let go with a smile Ask questions at 16:00:24, May 23, 2024
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Some women may have headache symptoms during menstruation or before and after menstruation, which may be because during menstruation, the concentration of estradiol in serum decreases, causing blood vessels inside and outside the skull as well as in the uterus. They are more sensitive to substances of certain factors, causing changes in vascular tension, leading to headache symptoms. In this case, women's headache can be relieved slowly through rest. With the end of menstruation, the concentration of estradiol in serum returns to normal, and the headache symptoms can also be relieved. Sometimes if the pain is severe, it can be properly treated with hot compress or progesterone. Attention should be paid to nutrition supplement, which can also relieve headache symptoms slowly.

Let go with a smile 2024-05-27 10:53:45

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