How long does it take to treat prostatitis

Fool Old Man Ask questions at 11:42:54, June 23, 2024
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Preoxysmal gland is a special organ, and prooxysmal inflammation is also a complex symptom. Patients with preadenotitis usually have chills, high fever, pain, fatigue and other systemic manifestations, inflammatory reactions such as redness, swelling, heat and pain near the urethra, pain when urinating, poor dripping, urgency of urination, increased nocturnal urine and other uncomfortable manifestations, as well as swelling and pain in the lumbosacral and * parts. Due to different causes, their manifestations are different, and the treatment time varies according to different treatment methods. So, how long does it take to treat chronic prostatitis?

For the general treatment of chronic prostatitis, patients should stay in bed for 3-4 days, drink plenty of water, and avoid drinking alcohol and eating irritating food. It is feasible to sit in hot water bath and keep the stool unobstructed. Taboo * life.

The injection therapy of chronic prostatitis is also one of the treatment methods of acute prostatitis. Because it is not easy to reach the effective concentration of systemic antibiotics in the prostatitis, which affects the efficacy, the treatment method of injecting antibiotics directly into the prostatitis has emerged. We must be careful when choosing this treatment method. Only when other methods are ineffective, we can consider this method. Punctures should not be too frequent. Punctures should be done once or twice a week. The course of treatment should not be too long, and should be controlled around 1 to 2 months. In case of dysuria or urinary retention, temporary suprapubic cystostomy should be performed to drain urine, or a soft silicone catheter should be used for indwelling catheterization.

Antibiotic treatment of chronic prostatitis. Antibiotic treatment is a common method of treatment of acute prostatitis. Many patients are treated with antibiotics in clinical practice. As long as these western medicines persist in treatment, they can basically achieve a visible effect. Patients need to adhere to the treatment of sufficient amount and treatment course, which takes at least two to four weeks. If the condition is serious, The course of treatment may be extended. But the disadvantage of this treatment is the recurrence of the disease, which is also a fact that gives us a headache.

Fool Old Man 2024-06-24 11:34:28

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