Four must and seven must not be related to men's health

desire to advance Ask questions on 2024-06-22 09:08:14
Recommended answer

If a couple wants to have a satisfactory life and successfully conceive their offspring, the "ability" of a man is crucial. However, in recent years, male infertility has become more and more serious. In order to fully protect the reproductive function, men need to abide by the following taboos in life.

Things to do:

1. Keep an optimistic attitude. Emotional factors have a significant impact on male sexual function. After the intervention on depressed people, it was found that their fertility increased from 29 and 9% to 45 and 5%. Therefore, keeping a good mood, establishing an optimistic attitude and abandoning pressure can help men improve their fertility.

2. Keep away from bad living habits and environmental factors. Men should avoid exposure to radiation and substances harmful to the body, such as decoration materials and heavy metals, and should also avoid smoking, drinking, staying up late, etc.

3. Strengthen physical exercise. A strong physique is the basis for the normal functions of men. We should properly adhere to physical exercise, strengthen our body, strengthen our immunity, and relax our tired and anxious mood in sports.

4. Increase nutrients. Spermatogenesis is closely related to the nutritional level of diet. The food to eat often includes sea cucumber, sesame, peanut kernel, walnut, lettuce, etc.

Things you can't do:

1. Drinking alcohol. The sperm density of alcoholics will be reduced by 56% and 6%. Heavy drinking can lead to the reduction of testosterone synthesis and spermatogenesis in men.

2. Smoking. The nicotine, carbon monoxide, cadmium, lead and other toxic substances in the smoke are easy to damage the spermatogenic cells in the testis. Research has proved that smoking 20 cigarettes a day can reduce the sperm survival rate to less than 50%.

3. Long term sitting, sitting bath, sauna or wearing tight pants. These behaviors can affect the heat dissipation function and blood circulation of the testis, increase the local temperature of the testis, and hinder the production of sperm. After soaking for 20 minutes in 43 ℃ - 44 ℃ warm water for 3 consecutive days, the sperm density decreased for 3 weeks.

4. Long time electromagnetic radiation. If you are too close to the TV or touch the computer for a long time, the radiation generated by it can affect the function of spermatogenesis.

5. Eat celery, bean products, etc. Foreign studies have found that male young adults who have eaten a certain amount of celery for several consecutive days have significantly reduced their sperm count, which will gradually return to normal after 4 months of ceasing to eat celery. In addition, daily consumption of soybean products will significantly reduce the number of men's sperm.

6. Use cottonseed oil. Taking cottonseed oil can cause cell damage, testicular interstitial fibrosis, vascular thickening and testicular autoimmune diseases.

7. Excessive cycling or horseback riding. Excessive cycling and horseback riding will cause chronic strain and congestion of the anterior gonad and other accessory gonads, affect their functions, and aggravate chronic inflammation.

desire to advance 2024-06-24 11:41:48

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