What to do with hypoechoic nodules of uterine wall

Talking about the past Ask questions on 2024-05-10 00:21:16
Recommended answer

The hypoechoic nodules on the uterine wall need targeted treatment according to the specific condition. Hypoechoic nodules of uterine wall are mainly considered as intramural fibroids of uterus, which is a common disease in clinic. If the size is relatively small, the diameter is less than 3cm, and no obvious clinical symptoms are caused, and the surrounding tissues and organs are not compressed, this situation is still conservative treatment, and can be treated with drugs under the guidance of the doctor. The growth rate of uterine fibroids can be controlled through drugs. At the same time, do not eat foods containing too much estrogen, such as soybeans and black beans.

Talking about the past 2024-05-13 11:23:11

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