Acne on the neck

Hiding the Water and Stealing the Dragon Ask questions on May 17, 2024-13:36:48
Recommended answer

Neck acne is a manifestation of acne, which is a chronic inflammation in the distribution area of hair follicle and sebaceous gland. There are few sebaceous glands on the neck, so it needs to be observed as a whole to see if the jaw extends to the neck. Acne may occur due to the relatively vigorous sebaceous glands from the mandible to the upper neck. In addition, acne on the neck may also be caused by clothing friction. The clinical manifestations were red papules, pustules and pustular herpes in the neck. In the treatment of neck acne, patients can take azithromycin, minocycline and other antibiotics orally under the guidance of doctors to treat bacterial infections, and can also use antibiotic ointment externally, such as aureomycin ointment, erythromycin ointment and so on.

Hiding the Water and Stealing the Dragon 2024-05-20 11:18:17

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