What is the cause of acne on the face

Short haired woman Ask questions on 2024-05-18 20:58:56
Recommended answer

The most common acne on the face is acne, which occurs for many reasons. It is mainly related to androgen induced excessive secretion of lipid from sebaceous glands, abnormal keratinization of sebaceous gland ducts of hair follicles, proliferation of hair follicle microorganisms such as Propionibacterium acnes, inflammation, immune response, etc. in the genetic background. It usually occurs in the adolescence, and the hormone level of the adolescence crowd is relatively high. Because the androgen secretion in the body is increased, sebaceous gland hyperplasia and lipid secretion are caused. In addition, life pressure leads to excessive emotional tension, and bad eating habits will promote the secretion of oil. In addition to the use of some skin care products, thicker, higher oil, high moisture skin care products and color makeup will block pores, causing keratinization of hair follicles, which will lead to acne on the face.

Short haired woman 2024-05-20 12:00:31

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