Can Nosebleeding Occur in the Late Stage of Liver Cancer

Drink with a Breeze Ask questions on April 20, 2024 01:44:04
Recommended answer

Nasal bleeding may occur in patients with advanced liver cancer. The main reason is that patients with advanced liver cancer are prone to abnormal coagulation function, which will lead to nosebleed. Most of the coagulation factors in the human body are produced in the liver. Most liver functions of patients with advanced liver cancer are damaged to a certain extent, which will reduce the production of coagulation factors by the liver and easily cause body bleeding, such as gum bleeding, epistaxis, gastrointestinal bleeding, etc. In addition, most patients with liver cancer have chronic hepatitis and cirrhosis. Severe cirrhosis of the liver is prone to hypersplenism, which causes a decrease in platelets and abnormal coagulation function. Patients with advanced liver cancer need to monitor the coagulation function frequently. If the coagulation function is significantly prolonged, plasma transfusion is needed to supplement coagulation factors to improve the coagulation function of patients.

Drink with a Breeze 2024-04-22 11:48:48

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