Is smallpox chicken pox

Light a wishing cigarette Ask questions at 15:03:00 on May 23, 2024
Recommended answer

Smallpox is not chicken pox. It has been eradicated all over the world and is called Class A infectious disease. Our country was still relatively early in 1960. The world may have declared that the world had eliminated this infectious disease in 1979. It was infected by a virus, and finally left many pockmarks on the face. Because it has been eliminated for so many years, some people could see pockmarks on their faces in the early years, so smallpox is not chicken pox. Chickenpox is also an infectious disease. Now our country is divided into Class A, Class B and Class C. It should belong to Class C. It is caused by varicella zoster virus infection. Chickenpox occurs in children, and it can also occur in adults on people who have not been infected. Chickenpox can spread on the face, ears, mainly the upper part of the body, and also on the whole body. It can cause low fever, and rarely high fever, It is infectious. Smallpox, an infectious disease, has been eradicated worldwide, but varicella is still sporadic. Now children may have this kind of vaccine, but in clinical practice, people who have been vaccinated have also seen varicella, so it is a completely different disease.

Light a wishing cigarette 2024-05-27 11:11:36

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