Side effects of acarbose tablets

Long Street Old Friends Ask questions at 07:30:44 on April 21, 2024
Recommended answer

Acarbose, absorbed by the intestinal tract and glucose, delays the absorption of glucose in the jejunum, thus reducing postprandial hyperglycemia and achieving a hypoglycemic effect. Its side effect is mainly the disorder of gastrointestinal function. Because sugar is absorbed in the small intestine, bacteria and unabsorbed sugars produce gastrointestinal flatulence, abdominal distension, diarrhea, and abdominal pain. The incidence of abdominal pain is very rare, and a few have mild intestinal obstruction. There are also reports that some can cause liver damage, which leads to hope that hepatitis, jaundice and the elevation of transaminase can be alleviated after drug withdrawal, and there are few allergic reactions that can cause rash and urticaria.

Long Street Old Friends 2024-04-22 12:31:58

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