What kind of medicine is good for blister beriberi

Trample a dead pig Ask questions at 21:56:47, May 28, 2024
Recommended answer

Beriberi, also known as tinea pedis, is a superficial fungal disease caused by fungal infection. According to the characteristics of skin lesions, they are generally divided into blister type, immersion erosion type and scale keratinization type. The characteristic of blister tinea pedis is that there are blisters of the size of rice grains to mung bean grains on the sole or lateral edge of the foot, the blister fluid is clear, and desquamation occurs after the blister fluid is absorbed. For treatment, foot powder can be used to soak feet. After soaking feet, there will be foot peeling, and then external use of antifungal ointment or cream, such as terbinafine hydrochloride ointment, sertaconazole nitrate ointment, bifonazole ointment, etc. If the effect of external medication is poor, antifungal drugs such as itraconazole capsules and terbinafine hydrochloride tablets can be added orally. At ordinary times, pay attention to the cleanness and hygiene of the feet, keep the parts dry, do not wear shoes with poor permeability, and do not scratch the parts with hands to stimulate.

Trample a dead pig 2024-06-03 11:56:33

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